
Articolo new

октября 2023

Francesco Binfaré

The language of softness

“I find the quest for softness is an interesting adventure. Before foam rubber and polyurethane, sofas were fixed wooden structures with a frame that was sketched. You cannot sketch softness: you have to shape it. Hence the need to find a language for a material that has no language. I continue discovering the language of softness. I have acquired it in part, but there is still a lot to discover. Discovering this language means expressing its substance in an aesthetic way. Appearance must be the essence of the project and this essence lies in the process. This is the reason why I consider it fundamental to carry on the research on the “smart cushion”. Someone described me as a kind of archaeologist, who digs deep into past centuries to find something that belongs to us, something that I call deep archetypes. For me, when it comes to sofas, the idea of freedom of movement and softness is an archetype.”

Francesco Binfaré 

Francesco Binfaré

He is an intellectual, artist and designer. He was born and lived in Milan and learned drawing and painting from his father. Since 1960 he has been practicing art in the industrial
field, mainly assuming the role of artistic director of research centers and project promotion, and involving architects and designers in the creation of products destined to become
historical pieces of Italian and international design. In 1992, Massimo Morozzi called him to design for Edra. The meeting marks the beginning of a new season, with the invention
of important sofas, with extraordinary expressive and innovative strength. In 2022 he was awarded the Compasso d’Oro Career Prize.
