
Cookie Policy

This website may use cookies, web beacon, flash cookie ed altre tecnologie to improve your experience.
Using this web pages you accept cookies usage.
We may use cookies for statistic (such as anonimously monitoring the navigation and test the success of some pages) or technical purposes (such as access a reserved area).

A cookie is a small text file containing a code. It's memorized on your pc or smartphone and we can check it for your future visits on our pages and to improve the informations we give to you.
It's important to understand all informations anonimous and that a website can access only his own cookies. This website may use also third part services (i.e. Facebbok comments or Google maps or banners) that may use their own cookies.

Some banner circuits use cookies to send you behavioral advertising, in other words when you visit any of the website using that circuits they insert a cookie on your pc to monitor your navigation and send you advertising based on your own preferences. Even in this cases what is recognized is the application you're using and not who you are. This is why sometimes for example you can see a flight company advertising immediately after you made a search for your holidays.
This website has no access to any of the informations collected and this disclosure does not apply on the data treatmentby made by these companies.
Most of this company however give you the possibility to refuse this data usage and are members of the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), if you want to check how your data are collected, see each privacy policy or modify the data collection you can access the website Your Online Choices.
Please notice that this does not mean that you won't see banners while you surf the web but that those banners won't match your preferences.

If you desider you can also block cookies using your browser settings. Please notice that this procedure may cause errors and block some of the functionalities of the website you surf.
If you wish to know, block or delete cookies from your browser on the link below you'll find the instructions for the most popular softwares.